
Hello loves, welcome back to my blog!

Have you ever felt a little overwhelmed from the amount of things that buzzes around you and sometimes you just want to escape for a little while? And when you go back you’ll be 100 again. Sounds easy, right? Sometimes it can be easy as long as you know where your safe space is. As long as you know how to center yourself.

Find the thing that centers you and always go back to it when you feel like you’re drowning.

I’m not here to give you tips on how to center yourself. I’m here to share the few things that I do that helps keep me centered.

When you live in a big city, there are days when you feel that everything that surrounds you is slowly drowning you. May it be noise or the energy buzzing around you. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m not saying that noise and energy are bad things to surround yourself with, but when the time comes that you feel like it gets too much, all you have to do is breathe. BREATHE. 


And maybe that energy centers you. Maybe the buzzing and the noise helps you breathe. But I prefer something calmer to center me. I like sunsets and skylines. Whenever I get the opportunity to take photos of them, I take it. Just like last week, I was doing my laundry and saw an amazing sunset where the blue blends in with the orange and it was a magical thing to witness. I know my camera phone can’t do the scene justice but it’s one of those things that centered me. That made me think that I am not alone in this world, that things greater than me are out there and I’m lucky enough to capture it and enjoy it.


Take a moment for yourself and take a breath. When things are pushing me down. I take a moment and just take a deep breath that would calm my racing heartbeat and clear my head. A few minutes to center myself. And resume what I was doing. 


We encounter hundreds, maybe even thousands in one lifetime and it tends to become too much. There are days when I just want to be alone because being surrounded by so many people doesn’t help me. And there are days when I just can’t be alone because I have responsibilities and I don’t want to insult other people by asking them to leave me alone. When I experience one of those days, I turn to music. I have a vast playlist on my Spotify so there is no single genre that will help calm me down. Just listening to the beat and the lyrics soothes me.

We create our safe spaces, it doesn’t have to be a literal and tangible space. It just needs to be something that we can easily access to calm and comfort us.We try to find that safe space when we feel a little overwhelmed. I do the same thing and there is no shame in that. Just because you need a little break it doesn’t mean that you are weak. 

And I repeat: Find the thing that centers you and always go back to it when you feel like you’re drowning.

Thank you for reading. And I hope this somehow gives you a little break from the buzzing that tries to overtake and throw you off.

Sheel L.


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