The Power of Makeup

You wear too much makeup.

I prefer girls who wear less makeup.

Who are you trying to impress anyway?

I'm sure there are more comments like these that you've heard in the past, but I'm here to say that it's okay to wear as much makeup as you want. 

Hello loves! 

This post is very different from my previous posts, however, I hope that it will be as meaningful to you as it is to me. 

You see, I love makeup. I love playing with makeup, I love buying and collecting makeup. It's my passion. MAKEUP. And this is the part where it gets tricky. This is the part when people start judging you or staring at you blatantly, like they own you. They start giving unsolicited advice on how you should look. On how you should wear less makeup. And to be honest with you, I almost listened to them. I almost gave in and stopped because I don't want to be judged. And keyword here - ALMOST. And I'm so thankful that I didn't listen to them. That I kept on keeping on, because this blog wouldn't be up right now if I did. I wouldn't have discovered that this is my passion, creating something using makeup is my passion. Using skin as a canvas is my art.

So as long as this is not hurting anyone I'm going to keep on doing it. :)

This next part is for those who are afraid to try because they don't know where to start. I have been there. I know exactly what it feels like. It feels like the first day of school and you're the new kid. Start with baby step, maybe start by researching about the products you're interested in or maybe search for makeup tutorials online. The Internet is a God send for people like us. It brings us together. There are a few haters out there but remember that it's your skin. And it's just makeup. You can easily wipe it off if you feel that it isn't for you.

This last part is for those who are comfortable in their own skin. Which means that this should be all of us. The ultimate goal here isn't to convince you that makeup is the only way you can feel comfortable in your own skin. The ultimate goal here is to accept who you are, to feel as amazing as you are bare faced as you feel under layers of makeup. We are all human here. We are in no position to dictate how others should feel in their own skin.

Because at the end of the day, it's just makeup. What matters the most is what lies beneath the makeup, what lies skin deep.

Love yourself, flaws and all! 💋

Sheel L.


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