What's in my travel bag?

Or also known as my travel essentials. 😊

Hello loves! Welcome back to my blog, today I will be sharing with you my in-flight must haves when I travel. I have a big trip coming this May and so I thought to share this with you guys because I have 2 major exams in April and might not be able to come up with the post before I leave for the trip. A big disclaimer though, these are my in-flight essentials when I'm traveling to a different country and will be flying for more than 4 hours.

If this is something that you think can help you a LOT please keep reading.

Whenever I travel, I usually bring 2 bags - in-flight essentials and my carry-on bag. In this post I will be discussing what's in my "essentials" bag, which is almost always a backpack (easiest thing to carry). And there are 4 major categories inside the pack.

1. Essentials: Wallet & Passport

Like I mentioned in the disclaimer this pack is made for longhaul flights out of the country which means that it calls for passport usage. Passport and wallet comes hand in hand cause they're the most important things in my travel bag. Forget everything else except for these. I didnt show whats inside my wallet but i always carry a rosary with me. I highly suggest that you carry something in your bag that will bring you peace. Especially if you get anxious when it comes to flying/traveling. 💚 Tip: Carry a smaller wallet than you use daily, it'll be easier because it's more compact and wouldn't take up a lot of space in your bag.

2. Entertainment

Okay, let's be honest it is not easy staying still inside a plane doing nothing (unless you're one of those who can easily sleep in planes and cars, good for you. 👍), or keep yourself entertained while killing time waiting for your next plane to your destination. I'm one of the people who easily gets uneasy when I travel and need lots and lots of distractions, I need my phone, a book (or my Kindle), and a notebook. I like writing (obviously. lol), writing about my trip, my plans for said trip and what I see around me - I know I can easily do that will my phone or computer but I prefer the pen and paper method, to each their own. CAMERAS, the instant camera isn't really a necessity but I adore printed photos of places I go to and create a travel journal (future post), and a digital camera because - memories. Something that you can do with your phone too, but a separate camera for me makes more sense than always whipping your phone out to take photos. And last, power banks and chargers! Never and I repeat NEVER leave home without these when you're traveling, even if you're traveling locally, because let's be honest we rely too much on our gadgets and our gadgets need juice to recharge them. Also, I didn't include it in the photo, but make sure to bring a universal adapter, it will help you when traveling.

3. Freshen up Kit

In the kit: Tissue, wipes, toothbrush and toothpaste, contacts & solution, cologne, alcohol, lotion, moisturizer, extra eye patch (for me, I need this. Lol), liners, hair ties, mints, mirror, bandaids, oil control films and and extra pair of undies for extra long flights (I didn't add it in the picture because those are delicates. Lol) One thing that I never leave without are facial wipes that I can use to clean my face with and moisturizers, since I'm oily I prefer using gel type moisturizers. The reason why I always bring this is to always feel cleansed and  moisturized because cabin air usually makes my skin feel congested. As for the alcohol, extra undies and liners, well that's just being smart. If you're traveling form more than 7 hours, you're sitting on the same pair without much movement and it can help build up bacteria. And changing can also help you feel clean and not feel so grumpy when you travel.

4. Makeup Kit

I actually prefer traveling without makeup on or if I do, I usually take it off before the plane takes off. But I also want something in my pack that would help me make look "presentable" when I go through immigration or when I finally get to my destination. I just throw in a few items in the kit. A BB cream or any tinted moisturizer you have, pore minimizing primer, a light weight concealer - I use the bb eye roll on concealer from Garnier, a cream or liquid blush (I usually take a lip and cheek tint with me but I can't find mine), a powder, a mascara and a liquid liner. Some might prefer to take an eyebrow product over the liner but my brows are pretty full, so, I prefer the liner.

One last thing that's also in my pack but it's not part of any category is my trusted hoodie that I got from a trip back in 2013. It's actually part of my "airport slay" lol. 

(Me in my airport slay game Abu Dhabi airport)

PS - My computer is not on this list because I don't feel the need to take it out during the journey, I more often than not use it when I get to my destination.

That's it, hope this was helpful in creating your own travel packs.

Thanks for reading! 💚

Sheel L.


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