
We live in a time and age where our lives or most of our lives and livelihood depends on the Internet and on technology.

So what do you do when technology fails you?

This week's post will be a little different on what you usually see on this blog. Today I will be giving 2 thumbs up on a certain product that helped me save about 80% of the data that I lost.

It all started when I was on vacation and decided to update the OS of my personal laptop. I thought, hey, I'm on vacation. Why the hell not? Bad. Idea. Update was finished. I plug in my external hard drive aka my life. Suddenly it's read only on my mac. I panic for about 2 minutes and decided to save the important things on my computer and boot the thing. Bad idea #2. So, all is good and well. I was able to move all of the things back to my hard drive without trouble. Or so I thought. When I got back home from my vacation and tried to plug it in my work computer the flippin’ drive was freaking empty. 😐 I was a little okay thinking that I still have the folders saved in my personal computer. Turns out vacation brain decided to delete it from my trash. I cried. I literally broke down. You think that's a little over dramatic? I don't think so. All my pictures were there since I was a senior in high school. When I say all, I mean all. So you can imagine how devastated I was. My thesis files were there, some MA files and a year’s worth of work files. So you can see, not being overly dramatic here.

But like I said earlier, we live in a day and age where technology is an integral part of our lives. Technology failed me, but I know it will also save me. So I searched for a program that can help me retrieve files that have been deleted from my computer. And what do you know I found it. I found something that gave me hope. I found DataRescue. It was a little pricy ($99) but you can do a trial version that you can download from their website that will allow you to do a deep scan on your computer but the retrieval function is disabled. I did the scan. I slept while the software was doing its thing then I woke up around 3 in the morning – I was jetlagged, I saw that it was able to find files that I’ve removed from the trash. Then I pulled the trigger, so to speak. I thought this is gonna be worth it. But sadly, it was not the glorious moment that I was looking for because the folders had files that I couldn’t unzip! So I panicked for about a minute and thought, why not scan my external hard drive?

So I did. And 8 hours later I was able to retrieve about 80% of the data I lost. Some files were too broken to be repaired. But that’s fine. At least I didn’t lose everything.

So if you ever find yourself in the same position as me (but I’m hoping real hard that you don’t), get this software. It saved my life.
Hope this helps!

Sheel L.

This is not a sponsored post. I just freaking loved the aid it gave me. 


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