The Beginning

I started formulating thoughts in my head about how to begin this blog. I have started one in the past and deleted it. I told myself that I will write one tomorrow, everyday. That blog was supposed to be me conquering this so-called quarter life crisis. But I turned 26 last May and I still had no idea where the platform that I've been planning on creating is. But as I was cooking my meals for the next half of the week I made myself stop and start writing. I realized that the content will not magically appear on my screen, it will not create itself. I needed to take charge and put myself out there.

It begins with words written on a page in order to create something worth reading. However, that doesn't mean that this will immediately become something that will create an impact on a person. You create day in and day out hoping that somehow in someway it will reach someone.

So this is me, trying, everyday trying my best to release positive energy in this crazy world because God know we need a whole lot of positive right now. This is me, trying to introduce myself to you, and share some things that I enjoy and hope that you might enjoy them too. :)

(This is me, Hello! ✋)
I post things on Sundays.


Sheel L.


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